There's a Garden All Around You Waiting to be Found!


Mindset Coaching Ignites Intentional Living

Embrace Your Design

Unlock your full potential with our Mindset Coaching program, designed to help you cultivate a joyful and resilient mindset. Central to our approach is the understanding that the law of recognition governs the law of attraction. By recognizing and acknowledging truth, and the opportunities and resources inherent around you, and by taking action congruent to it, you can recognize and realize the success and abundance you seek.

Learn to be intentional with the power of your spoken word, harnessing truth filled affirmations and aligned with your true reality. Through meditation, affirmations, and visualization techniques, our coaching empowers you to build a strong mental foundation for stability and well-being. Embrace the transformative power of a purposeful mindset and watch as your life aligns with your highest aspirations.

In our Mindset Coaching Sessions, you will:

  • Learn strategies to develop a joyful and resilient mindset.

  • Practice techniques such as meditation, affirmations, and visualization to strengthen your mental foundation.

  • Gain tools to turn obstacles into opportunities for growth.

  • Learn the power in what you say and how to not speak against yourself

What Has Been Holding You Back?

Empowering Your Presence


Life - Health - Business

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ Break free from the chains

that have held you back ,

and discover a life worth living!

​​​​​​​"For I myself know the designs that I am designing for you...designs for your well-being..."



What is Health Coaching?

Health Coaching starts with listening and asking questions to get to the heart of why you want to make a change and what your goals are. The Certified Wholistic Health Coach is trained to guide you through a process of evaluation and discovery which will result in receiving an individualized step by step solution.

Where Do I Start?

There is a Free Health Evaluation and Consultation with Certified Wholistic Health Coach Breck Rubin. You will go over 7 discovery questions to pin point exactly what you need and your Health Evaluation results are reviewed.

What areas of Wellness do you specialize in?

Physical: We specialize in various aspects of Wellness including dietary intolerances, nutritional deficiencies, cleanses, digestion, blood sugar, cognition and many others!

Mental: We specialize in affirmations, visualization, daily lifestyle discipline, and meditation.

Spiritual: We specialize in Empowered Prayer, Scriptural Witness, The Divine Order of Righteousness, and helping you to Discover the way God actually sees you.

Emotional: We specialize in lowering cortisol, mood enhancement, releasing grief, guiding you into how to forgive yourself and others for true healing.

Career Health: We specialize in helping people to launch and establish a successful business leading to a viable a exit strategy.

Financial: We teach the principles of leverage and multiplication to accelerate beyond inflation to establish generational wealth.

Lifestyle: We lead by example and implement what we teach in our own lifestyle, and individuals in our support community pursue transforming their own lives and helping others do the same.

Relationship: We specialize in helping people understand the choice between offense and intimacy through casting off fear and becoming perfected in love.

Get In Touch

Email: [email protected]

Phone : 940-765-7396

Assistance Hours:

Mon – Sat 9:00am– 8:30pm